Its the start of December. I’m pretty much finished with finals and projects for this semester. Because of the stuff for the next semester this largely represents the end of my undergraduate career. Its been a long time gettings here and I wouldn’t be here without the help of many people.
Looking back at this semester has had some incredible things:
In September the LUG started up in earnest and I worked to get the office up and running as a functional space. There are rumors we may lose that space but until these are confirmed its going to be a functional office.
There was the Council sponsored CV trip to the State Fair of Texas. This was amazing and I couldn’t have been happier. It was a joint effort between myself, The excellent speaker Andrew S. and my good friend Gino O. We orchestrated the transit, tickets, and events through the day and only managed to lose one freshmen! Okay, not really lose but they headed back without telling anyone…
The Halloween festival was amazing, Hailey outdid herself on so many levels. There was even a Clue game where attendees had to figure out who killed Joe by finding clues in the lounge. People also enjoyed my ‘fat chef’ costume and seeing me out of my normally gruf SysAdmin personality for a few hours. I think sometimes people think that is my exclusive mode.
And so here I sit. Its the start of December and as usual I’m in an empty lounge. I sometimes wonder if after I leave if there will be anyone else sitting here late at night; I think not. Its been an amazing semester and I’ve had a great time with my friends. The seniors have a dynamic that I don’t think the underclassmen have or share with us, but that’s okay. One last time I’ll be here shutting things down for the Winter rebuild, though with Void it will be only about a 30 minute process.